Bihl+Wiedemann Vietnam – Digihu Vietnam

Type Field­bus in­ter­face 2 Num­ber of ASi net­works, num­ber of ASi Master 3 1 power sup­ply, 1 gate­way for 2 ASi net­works, in­ex­pen­sive power sup­plies 4 Di­ag­nos­tic and con­fig­u­ra­tion in­ter­face 5 Recog­ni­tion of du­pli­cate ASi ad­dresses 6 ASi fault de­tec­tor 7 Pro­gram­ming in C 8 Ar­ti­cle No.

24 Volt ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway

PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes no BWU3847
24 Volt ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes no BWU3849
24 Volt ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway EtherCAT, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes no BWU3854
24 Volt ASi Gateway POWERLINK, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes no BWU4016
24 Volt ASi Gateway PROFIBUS 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network yes yes no BWU3053
24 Volt ASi Gateway POWERLINK 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network yes yes no BWU3312

24 Volt ASi Gateway

CC-Link 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network yes yes no BWU3051
PROFIBUS ASi PROFIBUS 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2546
PROFIBUS ASi PROFIBUS 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2545
PROFIBUS ASi PROFIBUS 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2544
24 Volt ASi Gateway PROFIBUS 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network yes yes no BWU3053
PROFIBUS ASi Basic PROFIBUS 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network no yes no BWU1746

PROFINET ASi-5/ASi-3 gateway

PROFINET, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3852
PROFINET ASi-5/ASi-3 gateway PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 8 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3848
PROFINET ASi gateway PROFINET, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply Ethernet fieldbus yes yes optional BWU3844
PROFINET ASi gateway PROFINET, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes optional BWU3759

PROFINET ASi gateway

PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes optional BWU3758
PROFINET ASi gateway PROFINET 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3431
Starter Kits PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes BW4211
EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP ASi-5/ASi-3 gateway EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3851

EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP ASi-5/ASi-3 gateway

EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 8 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU4019
EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP ASi gateway EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes optional BWU3736
EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP ASi gateway EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply Ethernet fieldbus yes yes optional BWU3735
EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP ASi gateway EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes optional BWU3734
Starter Kits EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus yes yes BW4229

BACnet/IP ASi gateway

BACnet/IP 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3356
DeviceNet ASi gateway DeviceNet 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network RS 232 yes yes no BWU1820
DeviceNet ASi gateway DeviceNet 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply RS 232 yes yes no BWU1819
DeviceNet ASi gateway DeviceNet 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 yes yes no BWU1818
ControlLogix ASi gateway ControlLogix 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 no no no BWU1488

ControlLogix ASi gateway

complete set ControlLogix 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 no no no BW1611
Compact- / MicroLogix ASi gateway CompactLogix, MicroLogix1500 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 no no no BWU1416
Compact- / MicroLogix ASi gateway complete set CompactLogix, MicroLogix1500 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 no no no BW1610
EtherCAT ASi EtherCAT 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes no BWU2720
EtherCAT ASi EtherCAT 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply RS 232 yes yes no BWU2163

EtherCAT ASi

EtherCAT 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 yes yes no BWU2162
24 Volt ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway EtherCAT, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes no BWU3854
CC-Link ASi 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master CC-Link 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network no yes no BWU2611
24 Volt ASi Gateway 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master CC-Link 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network yes yes no BWU3051
RS 485 Modbus ASi Modbus/RTU; RS 485 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network RS 232 yes yes no BWU1643
RS 485 Modbus ASi Modbus/RTU; RS 485 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply RS 232 yes yes no BWU1642

RS 485 Modbus ASi

Modbus/RTU; RS 485 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network RS 232 yes yes no BWU1641
RS 232 ASi RS 232 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master no, max. 8 A/ASi network no yes no BWU1955
PROFIsafe, PROFIBUS PROFIBUS 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2819
Safety, PROFIBUS PROFIBUS 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2822
Safety, PROFIBUS PROFIBUS 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2793

PROFIsafe, PROFINET, ASi-5 / ASi-3

PROFINET, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3674
PROFIsafe, PROFINET, ASi-5 / ASi-3 PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3862
Safety, PROFINET ASi-5/ASi-3 PROFINET, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU4000
Safety, PROFINET ASi-5/ASi-3 PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3863
Safety, PROFINET ASi-5/ASi-3 PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3998


PROFINET 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2798
 Type   Fieldbus interface 2   Number of ASi networks, number of ASi Master 3   1 power supply, 1 gateway for 2 ASi networks, inexpensive power supplies 4   Diagnostic and configuration interface 5   Recognition of duplicate ASi addresses 6   ASi fault detector 7   Programming in C 8   Article No.
Safety, Sercos ASi-5/ASi-3 Sercos, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3861
Safety, Sercos ASi-5/ASi-3 Sercos, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3860
Safety, Sercos ASi-5/ASi-3 Sercos, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3845
Safety, EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP, ASi-5 / ASi-3 EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3857
Safety, EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP, ASi-5 / ASi-3 EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3825

Safety, EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP, ASi-5 / ASi-3

EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3866
Safety, EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3693
Safety, EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3543
Safety, EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3544
Safety, EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP EtherNet/IP + ModbusTCP 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3542
BACnet/IP – Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor BACnet/IP 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters no, max. 8 A/ASi network, redundant supply Ethernet fieldbus + Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU4001
DeviceNet Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor DeviceNet 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2972

EtherCAT ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor

EtherCAT, OPC UA 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi-5/ASi-3 Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3858
EtherCAT ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor EtherCAT, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3991
EtherCAT Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor EtherCAT 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2944
EtherCAT Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor EtherCAT 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3509
EtherCAT Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor EtherCAT 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2797
POWERLINK Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor POWERLINK 2 ASi networks, 2 ASi Masters yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3176

POWERLINK Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor

POWERLINK 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU3177
CANopen Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor CANopen 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU2804
CC-Link Gateway with integrated Safety Monitor CC-Link 1 ASi network, 1 ASi Master yes, max. 4 A/ASi network Ethernet diagnostic yes yes optional BWU283

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