Tag Archives: BW1610

Bihl+Wiedemann Vietnam – Digihu Vietnam

Type Field­bus in­ter­face 2 Num­ber of ASi net­works, num­ber of ASi Master 3 1 power sup­ply, 1 gate­way for 2 ASi net­works, in­ex­pen­sive power sup­plies 4 Di­ag­nos­tic and con­fig­u­ra­tion in­ter­face 5 Recog­ni­tion of du­pli­cate ASi ad­dresses 6 ASi fault de­tec­tor 7 Pro­gram­ming in C 8 Ar­ti­cle No. 24 Volt ASi-5/ASi-3 Gateway PROFINET, OPC UA 1 ASi network, 1 ASi-5/ASi-3 Master yes, max. […]